2012年1月4日 星期三
TESCAN推出第一款等離子聚焦離子束掃描電鏡FERA3 XMH
TESCAN是掃描電子顯微鏡、聚焦離子束工作站世界領先的製造商,新推出高分辨率肖特場發射掃描電子顯微鏡FERA3 XMH,同時完全集成了等離子源聚焦離子束掃描電子顯微鏡。這個系統是與法國的Orsay Physics公司合作開發的。
使用等離子氙氣源做聚焦離子束,使得FERA3能夠滿足高分辨率FIB的需求(圖像、精細研磨、拋光),同時還能滿足超快材料去除率的高離子流要求。離子束的分辨率<100 nm,最大Xe離子流>1 µA。
與現有使用鎵源的FIB技術相比,PFIB矽材料去除速率超過它們的30X。基於這個原因,FERA 3 XMH非常適合於大面積材料的去除、尤其在利用TSV技術的半導體包裝領域。
TESCAN將會在今年為MiQro Innovation Collaborative Centre (C2MI提供第一個系統,這個系統將用於集成電路的包裝檢驗。
FERA 3 FIB-SEM工作站整合了電子、離子束,為表徵分析的終端用戶提供大大的好處。一般來說,這種系統可以用來進行電路編輯、3D測量、缺陷分析和故障分析。
Tescan has launched the FERA3 XMH - a high resolution Schottky Field Emission scanning electron microscope with a fully integrated Plasma source focused ion beam. The system has been developed in co-operation with the French company Orsay Physics.
Configuration Possibilities
FERA3 XMH Plasma FIB-FESEM can be configured with the following systems:
• Gas Injection Systems
• Nano- Manipulators
• Detectors including SE detector, BSE detector, Secondary Ion detector, Cathodoluminescence detector, EDX, and EBSD microanalyzers
The use of a Xenon plasma source for the focused ion beam allows the FERA3 to satisfy high resolution FIB requirements (imaging, fine milling/polishing), as well as achieving high ion currents needed for ultra-fast material removal rates. The resolution of the plasma ion beam is <100 nm and the maximum Xe ion current is > 1 µA. Compared to existing FIB technologies with gallium sources, the material removal rate achievable for silicon with the Plasma FIB is over 30x faster. For this reason the FERA3 XMH is well suited for applications requiring the removal of large volumes of material, particularly in the semiconductor packaging corridor where TSV technology is being utilized.