2012年3月10日 星期六
Photonis xSCELL相機擁有1000fps/秒的高速成像,這是同時擁有高速高感光和高性能的理想選擇。Photonis USA是科學、醫療影像硬體的領先製造商,最新發布新的xSCELL顯微數位相機。xSCELL相機在解決獨特的高速攝影、低光源拍攝、讓拍攝出來的照片噪點低而生產,例如在螢光、共餓焦、快速篩選基因檢測等上的應用。
xSCELL數位相機是一個獨特的高品質相機,1024x1024像素下1000fps/秒,噪點低於2 e- rms,量子效率65%。
Photonis的成像產品總監Marc D. Neglia說,“xSCELL相機將提供分子生物學方面期待已久的突破,目前應用超高分辨率技術的研究者,如PALM和STORM,將能花費更短的時間獲得影像數據,同時有更多的時間做分析數據.”
The xSCELL Digital Scientific Camera is a high performance scientific camera utilizing InXite™ technology. This industry exclusive offering from PHOTONIS boasts 1000 fps at a resolution of 1024 x 1024, while providing read noise of less than 2 e- rms. xSCELL is powered by a proprietary CMOS-based technology called InXite™. The extreme low noise, fast frame InXite™ sensor delivers data at a high dynamic range up to 14 bits and is cooled internally to -30ºC to render the effects of dark noise to negligible levels. InXite™ is available exclusively from PHOTONIS. The combination of less than 2 e- read noise and peak quantum efficiency approaching 65%, makes the xSCELL the ideal camera for low light level imaging applications that require high speed operation, such as Spinning Disk Confocal Microscopy, Fluorescence Imaging, High Throughput Screening and Gene Sequencing.