2012年2月29日 星期三

Leica 新一代數位顯微鏡:DVM5000 HD、DVM2500

 Leica DVM2500 :多功能數位顯微鏡。高倍數位光學變焦、應用Leica Application Suite 軟體。
DVM2500 由一個 Fast FireWire camera 和緊湊型控制單元組成。相機兼容Leica VZ 系列。光學控制單元整合了LED 光源,即使高倍觀察也能提供充足的照明。使用標準的Microsoft Windows軟體界面。使用Leica Application Suite 軟體用於圖像分析,提供了一個模組化、高效率和行之有效的成功軟體解決方案,並可升級。

Leica DVM5000 HD :攜帶式多功能數位顯微鏡。修長的變倍光學系統,可到達甚至難以進入的表面及難於移動的樣品。
DVM5000 HD 是一個簡潔獨立的系統。延續了它的前身DVM5000 的優勢,並增加了最先進的硬體:高清晰顯示螢幕,保證了高對比度、自然的監視影像。專業搭配的系統組件保證順暢的工作流程 - 即使是複雜的3D分析也能勝任。
顯微鏡的簡潔的設計、光學系統之間少量的線路,使得安裝方便、移動。最新的高性能LED 有效降低耗電及燈泡更換的成本,壽命可達30000 小時。

DVM2500 和DVM5000  HD ,Leica 提供的這兩款顯微鏡系統,提供快速、精確的完整報告。變焦光學和廣泛的配件選擇,使數位顯微鏡適合廣泛的應用範圍。後續分析比以往更快,更容易。

Next Generation of Digital Microscopes: Leica DVM5000 HD and DVM2500

Published: 12.12.11

Leica DVM2500 – the versatile digital microscope. The large number of digital zoom optics and the use of Leica Application Suite make it a flexible analysis tool with a minimal footprint.
Portable all-in-one system – the Leica DVM5000 HD digital microscope. Its slender zoom optics reach even extremely hard-to-access surfaces and non-transportable objects.

Mobile, Fast Digital Microscopes for Quantitative 2D and 3D Surface Measurement

Heerbrugg, Switzerland. Digital microscopes by Leica Microsystems are successfully established as analytical instruments in applications such as pharmaceutics, materials research, and electronics production. Industrial quality control, which makes immense demands of macro- and microscopic imaging and image processing, derives particular benefit from innovative digital technology. Leica Microsystems now presents its next generation of digital microscopes, theLeica DVM5000 HD and DVM2500.

Leica DVM2500 – versatile in every way

The Leica DVM2500 is a combination of a fast FireWire camera and a compact control unit. The camera is compatible with all the zoom optics of the Leica VZ series and the optics are easily changed. The control unit integrates a powerful LED light source with adequate reserves for high magnifications. The use of standard Microsoft Windows interfaces facilitates the integration of the DVM2500 into existing IT infrastructures. For image analysis, the Leica Application Suite(LAS) provides a modular, efficient and proven successful software solution that can be individually adapted to any application and upgraded as necessary. For example, 3D models can be created with LAS Montage and analyzed in Leica MAP. The object field for large samples can be extended in real time with the LASLive Image Builder module.

Leica DVM5000 HD – the high-performance all-in-one system

The Leica DVM5000 HD combines the benefits of digital microscopy in a compact, self-contained system. Adopting the advantages of its predecessor, the DVM5000, it adds state-of-the-art hardware: the full HD screen resolutionguarantees a high-contrast yet natural monitor image. Specially matched system components allow a smooth workflow – even for complex 3D analysis. Thanks to the microscope’s compact design and only a few cables between the optics and the system, the installation is lean and user-friendly. Operating costs are reduced by the use of the latest high-performance LEDs: With a lifetime of up to 30,000 hours, there are virtually no more downtimes and the environment benefits from the low energy consumption.
With the DVM2500 and DVM5000 HD, Leica Microsystems is offering two microscope systems that deliver full reports fast and with digital precision. The selection of zoom optics and extensive accessories enable the digital microscopes to be tailored to a wide range of applications and to the particular infrastructure at the user’s site. The subsequent analysis of the results is faster and easier than ever before.
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Leica Microsystems is a world leader in microscopes and scientific instruments. Founded as a family business in the nineteenth century, the company’s history was marked by unparalleled innovation on its way to becoming a global enterprise.
Its historically close cooperation with the scientific community is the key to Leica Microsystems’ tradition of innovation, which draws on users’ ideas and creates solutions tailored to their requirements. At the global level, Leica Microsystems is organized in four divisions, all of which are among the leaders in their respective fields: the Life Science Division, Industry Division, Biosystems Division and Medical Division.
Leica Microsystems’ Biosystems Division, also known as Leica Biosystems, offers histopathology laboratories the most extensive product range with appropriate products for each work step in histology and for a high level of productivity in the working processes of the entire laboratory.
The company is represented in over 100 countries with 12 manufacturing facilities in 7 countries, sales and service organizations in 19 countries and an international network of dealers. The company is headquartered in Wetzlar, Germany.

Two Oligiochete worms in high definition at 400X magnification showing a...



通過液體活檢法,科學家能夠為癌細胞“ 染色” ,使得這些遊走在血管中的特殊致命細胞在特殊光線照射下呈螢光色,從而幫助醫療人員追踪癌細胞擴散的方向,快速制定診斷方案。
據英國《每日郵報》2 月3 日報導,美國科學家日前發現了一種新的癌細胞體內定位技術 - “ 液體活檢法” 。通過這種方法,科學家能夠為癌細胞“ 染色” ,使得這些遊走在血管中的特殊致命細胞在特殊光線照射下呈螢光色,從而幫助醫療人員追踪癌細胞擴散的方向,快速制定診斷方案。
 活檢是活體組織檢查的簡稱,是在治療前後用手術方法或穿刺、內窺鏡器械獲取人體組織的一種病理學檢查方法,其目的在於指導臨床診斷、制定治療計劃,並隨訪證實治療效果。據液體活檢方法研究報告作者彼得· 庫恩教授介紹,液體活檢技術的核心在於使用含有特定抗體的染色劑來綁定循環腫瘤細胞(CTCs )中的蛋白質,從而起到定位、染色和顯色的效果。
 庫恩教授指出:“ 也就是說,一旦這些染色劑進入血液循環系統,就會自動搜索各種癌細胞的位置並迅速綁定在癌細胞外,並根據癌細胞內蛋白質的不同,顯示出不同的螢光色。這樣,醫療人員就可以通過高清顯微鏡直接追踪癌細胞擴散的方式和路徑,或針對顯微鏡拍攝下來的圖像做進一步臨床分析,並及時診斷病人的病情。同時,這項技術還能夠幫助我們了解癌細胞通過新陳代謝方式入侵人體其他部分的途徑。”
 據悉,研究人員已使用液體活檢方式對68名癌症病人的血樣進行了檢測,均取得了理想的結果。這些病人中包含乳腺癌、前列腺癌和胰腺癌患者。使用液體活檢技術後,其中50% 至80% 的病人每毫升血樣中都發現了5個以上的循環腫瘤細胞。


The Scientist 雜誌近日評選出了2011 年十大創新技術,這是其第四次進行此類評選,The Scientist 雜誌邀請了來自多處的科研機構,製藥公司參評,最終評選了2011 年十大創新技術。這些成果主要包含了一些來自顯微技術方面的最新技術進展,比如能接在手機上的攜帶式顯微鏡,還有生物節律研究技術方面的進展,比如能檢測光學照射,以及晝夜節律的新工具等等。
診斷瘧疾,或者其它經血液傳染的疾病,需要在龐大昂貴的光學顯微鏡中分析細胞載玻片,但是這在偏遠貧困的山區是不容易做到的。2010 年,美國科學家發明了一種世界上最小、最輕的微型顯微鏡。該新型無透鏡成像技術被認為不僅削減了與醫療照顧相關的成本,還將給資源條件有限的地區提供快捷、廉價的醫學診斷,也將遠程醫療向前推進了一步。相關成果公佈在Lab on a Chip 雜誌上。
這項研究由加州大學洛杉磯分校Aydogan Ozcan 指導開發,他表示,“ 在資源匱乏的地區,既沒有醫院,又沒有任何其它的基礎設施,能進行這些檢測,如果能簡化顯微設備,那麼就能給這些地區帶來巨大的益處。”
這一顯微技術被命名為LUCAS (側影成像的無透鏡超寬視野監測陣列),LUCAS 使用波長為470 納米的藍光照射血液、唾液或其他液體樣本,通過傳感器陣列就能獲得微粒子的清晰圖像。
這一技術的優點在於能近乎實時地對微粒子進行鑑定和計數,如果用顯微鏡來做會耗費不少時間,在資源有限的地區也難以做到。而且手機在檢測使用上也很方便,在使用時打開手機蓋,將樣本放置到樣本腔,再合上翻蓋即可“ 讀片” 。因為紅血球和其他微粒子都有各自的衍射圖譜,LUCAS 能實時地識別它們,並進行計數。另外,由於LUCAS 成像不需要鏡頭,因此只有一個因素能限制LUCAS 手機的尺寸:構建LUCAS 的芯片大小。
當然LUCAS 並不能替代顯微鏡,它只是一種補充工具。與LUCAS 產生的粒狀和像素化圖像相比,顯微鏡下的圖像更為細膩。
但是LUCAS 僅46 克,是一個自成一體的成像設備,其僅有的外設為一個可與智能手機、掌上電腦(PDA )或計算機相連的USB 接口,可經此供電。這台功能強大、成本低廉的無透鏡顯微鏡可裝入一個極小包裝;大量設計元素將使其在資源條件有限的地區,特別是非洲的一些國家大顯身手,幫助監測諸如瘧疾、艾滋病和肺結核等疾病。

2012年2月27日 星期一

Olympus 顯微鏡用數位相機 DP73 1730萬畫素

Olympus 於2011 年年底最新推出一款數位顯微攝影CCD DP73 。作為DP72 的更新產品,其性能比大家熟知的DP72 更高。
DP73 是一款1730 萬畫素的顯微鏡專用冷卻彩色數位相機。採用了畫素移位技術,14Bit A/D 、4 種Binning 模式。可進行高解析度、高敏感度的高速數據傳輸。

採用了畫素移位技術,生成高解析度圖像,分辨率達1728 萬畫素。
1600 × 1200 畫素下,15 幀/ ​​秒的幀率。
使用Olympus 成像軟件OLYMPUS Stream ;

彩色CCD ,半導體製冷至低於環境溫度10 
1/1.8 芯片,201 萬像素,逐行掃描
4800x3600 ( 像素位移)
2400x4800  像素位移)
1600x1200 (1x1) 
800x600 (1x1) 
800x600 (2x2)
ISO 100/200/400/800/1600
1×1 2×2 4×4
A/D 轉換
1600 x 1200 15fps
800x600 (1x1): 15fps
全芯片/30%/ 1%/ 0.1% 測光模式;
曝光補償: ±2.0 EV, step: 1/3 EV
23 us 60s
Windows 7 專業版旗艦版(64 bit)

Superb Resolution

Unparalleled 17.3 Megapixel Resolution  New 3-CCD Mode Enables Pixel Shifting of 3 Colors

DP73 app
A 2.01 megapixel color CCD is combined with pixel-shifting technology to result in the capture of an 17.3 megapixel resolution. In addition to conventional 3 x 3 pixel shifting of one color per pixel, the DP73 features a 3-CCD pixel shift mode that enables three-color image resolution (RGB) within a single pixel to improve resolution even more.

Live, High-definition Images at 15 Frames per Second, Without Compression

High-definition 1600 × 1200-pixel images can be displayed live at a rate of 15 frames per second, without compression. This imaging quality enables clear and distinct observation without deterioration, while focusing is made stress free. The DP73 is able to display various microstructures like fine patterns of wafers and surface of new materials.

Fine-detail Processing, with Truer Colors and Artifacts

The DP73 has the power to present truer colors with less moiré artifacts that can have a negative impact on resolution. Due to advanced algorithms and fine detail processing the DP73 also optimizes the resolving power of the microscope objectives resulting in improved sharpness and clarity of images.

Advanced Color Reproduction

Enhanced Color Reproduction for Difficult Samples

Color Gamut Comparison
Through supporting AdobeRGB*, the DP73 faithfully renders a broad color range. It also features a new color reproduction algorithm, that differentiates subtle changes in colors that were difficult to separate until now- colors such as brown, blue and purple-can now be reproduced with exceptional accuracy.
*Color reproduction fidelity depends on monitor specifications. Monitors supporting AdobeRGB are required to accurately reproduce images recorded in AdobeRGB mode.

High Sensitivity, High dynamic range

High Sensitivity and Reduced Noise for Low Light Conditions

Capture images across a broad sensitivity range of ISO100-1600 through the incorporation of features including a new CCD drive system, reduced circuit noise and optimized image processing. These technologies allow the CCD to clearly capture sample details during observation methods such as reflected light darkfield or fluorescence.

WiDER Optimizes Contrast and Brightness in Individual Image Regions

Process live image with WiDER*-an application that optimizes contrast and brightness in each region of the image in real time to automatically generate images that have broad dynamic range but are free from under- or overexprosure. It works to reduce halation from the surface of materials, solder and so on.
Without WiDER
With WiDER

Image Analysis Software OLYMPUS Stream

Micro-Imaging Software: A New Standard for Workflow Flexibility

The OLYMPUS Stream is an advanced industrial microscopy software that simplifies your imaging tasks. Quickly acquire, process, perform measurements or analysis and automatically create reports. Our robust data management provides seamless organization and management of your images and data. The OLYMPUS Stream software can be purchased in a variety of packages designed to fit your needs. In addition these packages are expandable with specific application solutions to meet unique analysis needs.


Raptor Photonics 420萬畫素冷卻CMOS相機

Raptor Photonics 公司很高興發布新款高性能、製冷 420 萬像素、科研CMOS 相機 Osprey ,型號為 OS4MPc-CL 。
這款科研CMOS 相機具有低噪音、高敏感度、高分辨率、高速、卓越的量子效率等特點。半導體製冷 -20 o C 。
對低光照成像有出色的表現,應用於高分辨率螢光成像、活細胞成像、生物化學、天文學、電泳、 X 射線和高光譜成像等領域。
2048 x 2048 低噪音科研CMOS 芯片
像素大小: 5.5 µm x 5.5 µm
全幀率時讀出速度 37.5 Hz
尺寸 86 mm x 65 mm x 61 mm

Raptor Photonics 簡介:
Raptor Photonics 有限公司是 ISO 9001:2008 註冊公司,總部在英國北愛爾蘭。是高性能、工業領域及極端環境數碼相機的生產廠家。其生產的低光照相機應用於日夜監控、國防安全和科研等領域。

Raptor Photonics Ltd has launched a new high performance 4.2 megapixel cooled scientific CMOS camera
Raptor Photonics is proud to announce the full release of a high performance and affordable cooled 4.2 megapixel scientific CMOS camera.

The Osprey scientific CMOS camera, model OS4MPc-CL, features a 2k x 2k low-noise scientific CMOS sensor that stands out with its extreme sensitivity, high resolution, high speed and excellent quantum efficiency.  The camera is Peltier cooled to -20oC, uses a 12 bit A/D converter and offers a standard CameraLink output.

The Osprey camera offers outstanding performance for low light applications, such as high resolution fluorescence imaging, live-cell Imaging, bio chemi-luminescence, astronomy, electrophoresis, X-ray and hyperspectral imaging.

The Osprey camera features:
2048 x 2048 low noise scientific CMOS sensor
Active Pixel size:  5.5 µm x 5.5 µm
12 bit cameraLink output
up to 37.5 Hz full frame
Ultra compact size: 86 mm x 65 mm x 61 mm

About Raptor Photonics Ltd
Raptor Photonics Limited is a global leader and manufacturer of high performance, industrial-grade and extremely rugged ultralow-light digital and analogue cameras.  Raptor specialises in complete cameras and core engine solutions using EMCCD, scientific CMOS and SWIR sensor technology. The extreme low light capability of Raptor’s cameras makes them ideal for day/night surveillance, homeland security and scientific markets.
Raptor Photonics Ltd is a registered ISO 9001:2008 company and is headquartered in Larne, Northern Ireland.


2012年2月24日 星期五

驗證顯微鏡具體的放大倍率計算方法 Verification microscope magnification calculation methods

生物顯微鏡為例:目鏡為10X,物鏡為10X,總放大倍率為:100X,為計算出實際倍率有沒有 100X。在目鏡中裝入 0.1mm 格值100格(10mm 分成一百格)物鏡工作台上放入 0.01mm 格值100格(1mm 分成一百格)。把目鏡上的十字分劃測量尺與檯面上的十字測量尺重合,如果是百分之百重合,那說明總放大倍率為100的。如果是97%,那就說明是97倍。國家的國標誤差在正負3%,97%-103%都為合格。
Example: biological microscope eyepiece for 10X, 10X objective lens for total magnification: 100X, to calculate the actual magnification 100X.0.1mm grid a value of 100 is loaded in the eyepiece (10mm divided into 100 cells) the objective workbench into a 0.01mm grid a value of 100 (1mm divided into 100 grid).The eyepiece on the cross partition gauge and table cross gauge overlap is 100% overlap, then the total magnification of 100. If it is 97%, it shows that 97 times. Countries GB error of plus or minus 3%, 97% -103% are qualified.

2012年2月23日 星期四

Euglena - DIC Microscope, 1250x / Differential Interference Contrast

細胞口至貯蓄泡之間,在一側面有眼點(stigma)和伸縮泡(contractile vacuole)。眼點有感光的功用,由許多顆粒聚集在一個無色的凸凹模型內。靠近眼點的鞭毛上,有一膨脹部分,即鞭毛瘤(flagellar swelling),對光非常敏感,而眼點則對其有感光保護作用,以避免光線射到鞭毛之膨脹部分。眼點在細胞分裂時,亦是一分為二,由此可知其為已存在而非新生。
眼蟲體內有明顯的核,核的中心有明顯的內體(endosome),在核的附近有連接核與毛基體的纖維狀構造,稱為根索(rhizoplast),其靠近核的一端有一小顆粒,稱為根索粒(rhizoplastic granule)。除此之外,眼蟲細胞內尚有粒腺體、液泡、高爾基質和黏液體等。

Living cell nucleus (onion)- phase contrast microscopy


2012年2月22日 星期三

Pine Needle 松針葉

Mr. Karl Deckart
Eckental, Germany
Specimen: Pine Needle
Technique: Brightfield Illumination

Mouse Small Intestine 老鼠小腸

Mr. Thomas Deerinck
The National Center for Microscopy and Imaging Research, University of California, San Diego
La Jolla, CA, USA
Specimen: Mouse Small Intestine
Technique: Widefield, 20x Objective

Leica 新款活細胞螢光成像相機DFC365FX

Leica 推出活細胞成像用的螢光相機DFC365 :超高速獲取明亮螢光影像

快速、高質量的成像是成功記錄活細胞和快速衰減螢光樣品的關鍵因素。Leica 新款140 萬像素、單色顯微鏡數位相機 DFC365 為連續拍攝提供優質的時間解析度(全畫素下21 幀/ 秒)。適用於活細胞拍攝、螢光衰減樣品,即使是弱螢光,也能捕捉到出色的影像。

採用高敏感CCD 芯片(畫素點6.45 µm ),半導體製冷,具有廣泛的應用範圍 - 基本的螢光成像到高端實驗需求 TIRF 、FRET 和結構照明等。
全幀率下高達21 幀/ 秒的快速採集速率。通過 B 接口連接。讀出速度40 MHz ,可調20 MHz 或1.6 MHz 。
可選NIR (近紅外)模式,觀察波段達700nm ,是常規CCD 無法達到的採集波段。

芯片:Sony EXview HD ICX285 ,2/3”
畫素:140 萬,1392 ×1040
畫素點:6.45 μm × 6.45 μm
暗噪音:6e(1.6MHz, 12bit)
暗電流:﹤ 0.5 電子/ 像素/ 秒
動態範圍:> 69 dB(1.6MHz)
操作模式:標準模式和NIR 模式(近紅外)
灰度:8/12 位
軟體:DFC Twain, Leica LAS, Leica LAS AF, MetaMorph (NX)®

The Leica DFC365 FX digital microscope camera provides fast, brilliant live cell images, even with weakly fluorescing specimens

Acquire Brilliant Fluorescence Images at Ultra-high Speed

Wetzlar, Germany. To successfully document live cells and rapidly fading fluorescence specimens, a camera technology particularly designed for the purpose is indispensable. The new Leica DFC365 FX digital microscope camera from Leica Microsystems combines exceptional image quality with very high temporal resolution for rapid time-lapse recordings. The Leica DFC365 FX is setting new standards in its class enabling researchers to work efficiently, even with weakly fluorescing specimens. Equipped with a highly sensitive CCD sensor (pixel size 6.45 µm) and active Peltier cooling, it is ideal for a wide range of applications – from basic fluorescence documentation to demanding experiments such as TIRF, FRET or structured illumination.

The Leica DFC365 FX achieves hitherto unattainable acquisition rates of 21 fps at full resolution. In "Overlapping Mode“, an image can be captured while the previous image is still being read out. Data are transferred rapidly to the PC via a FireWire-B interface. Besides high-speed image acquisition at 40 MHz, the pixel clocking rate of the sensor can also be set to 20 MHz or 1.6 MHz as required. This yields brilliant fluorescence images with a superb signal-to-noise ratio.

The optional NIR (Near Infra-Red) Mode extends the operating range of the camera for fluorescence markers emitting in the wavelength range above 700 nm, which are difficult to capture with conventional CCD technology


植物通電之後的絕美影像 植物の電源投入後の美しい画像 Beautiful images after the plant power


アメリカの写真家バート - ブルトマンは、驚くべき植物のパワーの写真を撮影ハードワークの10年を過ごした。これらの写真は、植物パワーのシーンを撮影するような条件下で、植物の上に置かれた金属板、金属板を介して現在のものです。

American photographer Bert - Bultmann spent 10 years of hard work shooting the photos of the amazing plant power. These photos are current through the metal plate, metal plate placed on top of the plant, under such conditions to shoot the scene of plant power.

相位差顯微鏡 Phase Contrast Microscope

相位差顯微鏡(Phase Contrast Microscope)由P.Zernike於1932年發明,並因此獲1953年諾貝爾物理獎。這種顯微鏡最大的特點是可以觀察未經染色的標本和活細胞。
1.環形光闌(annular diaphragm) 位於光源與聚光器之間,作用是使透過聚光器的光線形成空心光錐,焦聚到標本上。
2.相位板(annular phaseplate)在物鏡中加了塗有氟化鎂的相位板,可將直射光或衍射光的相位推遲1/4λ。分為兩種:

Phase contrast microscope by P. The Zernike invention, in 1932 and therefore received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1953. The biggest feature of this microscope can be observed without staining of specimens and live cells.
The basic principles of phase contrast microscopy, visible light through the specimen optical path difference into a difference in amplitude, thereby increasing the contrast between the various structures, the various structures become visible. Refraction of light through the specimen from the optical path has been delayed at the same time the 1/4λ (wavelength), if the increase or decrease 1/4λ optical path difference becomes 1/2λ after the two-beam photosynthetic axis interference strengthened, the amplitude increase or decrease, increase contrast. In the construction phase contrast microscope, different from ordinary optical microscope two special features:
An annular aperture (annular diaphragm) is located between the light source and the condenser, the role of the formation of hollow light cone, coke gather specimens through the condenser light.
The two phase plates (annular phaseplate) added in the objective phase plate coated with magnesium fluoride can be direct light or diffracted light phase delayed 1/4λ. Divided into two types:
1.A + phase plate: will direct light to postpone 1/4λ two sets of light waves sympodial after the sum of light waves, the amplitude increased, the specimen structure is more light than the surrounding medium, the formation of bright contrast (or negative contrast).
2.B + phase plate: the diffracted light to postpone 1/4λ, two sets of light after the co-axis light waves subtract a small amplitude, the formation of dark contrast (positive contrast), the structure is more darken than the surrounding medium.

2012年2月21日 星期二

Mimetidae sp. (spider) egg case 擬態蛛卵囊

16th Place, 2007
Steven Valley
Oregon Department of Agriculture, Plant Division
Salem, Oregon, USA
Mimetidae sp. (spider) egg case (30x)

Kaleidofly of a Halloween Pennant (dragonfly) 蜻蜓

17th Place, 2007
Dr. Jeffery Bowen
Bridgewater State College
Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA
Kaleidofly of a Halloween Pennant (dragonfly) (1x)

Amisega floridensis (parasitic wasp) 寄生蜂

18th Place, 2007
Klaus Bolte
Natural Resources Canada
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Amisega floridensis (parasitic wasp) (90x)

Epilobium parviflorum (small-flowered willowherb) seeds 小花柳葉菜種子

19th Place, 2007
Viktor Sykora
Institute of Pathophysiology
First Medical Faculty
Charles University
Prague, Czech Republic
Epilobium parviflorum (small-flowered willowherb) seeds (10x)
Stereomicroscopy, Darkfield

Clione sp. (planktonic mollusk) larva

20th Place, 2007
Dr. Matthew Hooge
Portland, Oregon, USA
Clione sp. (planktonic mollusk) larva (40x)
Differential interference contrast

2012年2月20日 星期一


AppliedPrecision公司(API,通用電氣醫療集團下屬公司)近日宣布推出了一台高性能的顯微鏡系統 - DeltaVisionOMXBlaze™。這台儀器採用專利的超快速結構照明模塊和先進的高速照相機,首次提供了大範圍的活細胞3-D超高分辨率螢光影像。因此,這種顯微鏡能夠分辨出的細胞間結構的細節比此前任何光學顯微鏡都高。
這台儀器的特點包括:超高分辨率,能夠對最小1/10微米的物體成像;對比度是傳統顯微鏡的8倍;同時觀察兩種螢光波長的能力,用於雙色影像;以及每秒對樣本進行一組15片的3D成像 - 這是迄今為止在商品顯微鏡上實現的罕見的高速度。

Fast Structured Illumination Microscopy for Live Cell Imaging
Applied Precision is pleased to introduce the OMX Blaze™ system. Incorporating a proprietary, ultra-fast, structured illumination module and the latest advanced high speed camera technologies, the OMX Blaze system represents a new level in the evolution of super-resolution imaging technologies. Capable of fast 3D-SIM and blazing fast Widefield acquisition, making live cell super-resolution imaging a reality.

New structured illumination technology (patent pending)
3D SIM and blazing fast Widefield imaging
3D-SIM - <1 second per stack (512 x 512 x 8 slices)
Widefield - >400 frames per second (512 x 512)
Loaded standard configuration
3 sCMOS cameras
5 lasers (405 nm, 445 nm, 488 nm, 514 nm, 568 nm)
Optional fourth camera and additional lasers
Monet™ Localization Microscopy optional



為什麼細胞會發生衰老是當前生物學研究中待揭示的重大謎團之一。近日來自美國薩克生物學研究所的科學家們在大鼠大腦神經元細胞中發現了一些稱為ELLPs (extremely long-lived proteins )的極“ 長壽” 蛋白,它們具有與生物體一樣長的生命期。這一研究發現將推動人們更深入地了解大腦細胞衰老機制。相關論文在線發表在2 月2 日的《科學》(Science )雜誌上。
領導這一研究的是薩克生物學研究所分子與細胞生物學實驗室Martin Hetzer 教授。Hetzer 實驗室長期從事衰老機制研究,曾證實大腦中的一種稱為核孔複合體(NPC )的運輸通道功能呈年齡依賴性的衰退。當前該實驗室在埃里森醫學基金會和美國聯邦格倫醫學研究基金會的資助下,主要對衰老過程中NPCs 的功能機制開展研究。
Hetzer 說:“ 衰老的基本特徵就是各種器官例如心臟和大腦功能的下降,其原因是由於這些器官中組成細胞之間的動態平衡或內部穩定的衰退。近期數個實驗室的研究均顯示蛋白穩定的破壞與細胞功能下降有關。”
神經元除外的大部分細胞均是通過一種蛋白周轉過程,利用新的功能肽來替換蛋白質中潛在的受損部分以對抗蛋白質組件的功能性退化。在這篇文章中,薩克生物研究所的科學家們在大鼠神經元細胞核的表面發現了ELLPs 蛋白。並證實不同於體內的其他蛋白,當ELLPs 蛋白髮生異常的化學修飾或其他損傷時,不會被其他的新蛋白替換。由於這些ELLPs 蛋白是核- 質運輸通道NPC 的重要組件,隨著時間推移ELLPs 損害加劇將導致運輸通道功能衰退,使得DNA 損傷毒素進入到細胞核內,改變細胞內的DNA ,由此影響基因活性,引起細胞衰老。
儘管從前的研究表明在衰老過程中存在基因表達的改變。然而在新研究中Hetzer 實驗室才真正揭示了這些基因改變的實質線索:即哺乳動物的NPC 上的一個關鍵元素,導致了DNA 損傷毒素能夠進入到細胞核中。

2012年2月17日 星期五

Cluster of snow crystals (snowflakes) 雪花晶體

Honorable Mention, 2007
Jesper Gronne
Silkeborg, Denmark
Cluster of snow crystals (snowflakes) (10x)
Polarized light



自從科學家開始研究大腦,他們希望能夠更好地觀察腦內活動。研究人員之前只能在電子顯微鏡下觀察死亡的細胞,但他們從來沒有能夠在高分辨率的設備下微觀地觀察一個活的動物的腦細胞在內部運作的狀態。現在,由於著名物理學家斯特凡•赫爾( Stefan Hell )和他在德國馬克斯•普朗克研究所的同事們的研究成果,這個夢想得以實現。赫爾和他的團隊近日在《科學》雜誌上發表了一篇論文,描述他們的這一奇妙發現。
赫爾和同事已花費多年時間研究超高分辨率顯微鏡,名稱為“(STED) 顯微鏡"。在近日的一項實驗中,他們切掉了一隻老鼠的頭骨的一小部分,然後用一個玻璃窗取代,然後利用"STED顯微鏡"對玻璃窗內的情況進行觀察,使這一研究發展到一個全新的水平,使科學家更容易地看到大腦內的腦細胞活動。該研究團隊首次從基因方面改造小鼠,使某些腦細胞激發螢光。然後重點研究發螢光的細胞,他們在"STED顯微鏡上"增加了專用軟體,完全清除不亮的部分。結果顯示,存在於一個活生生的老鼠大腦外部部分的神經元的超高分辨率的及時照片。
這項新的"STED顯微鏡"提供清晰的影像,分辨率可到70納米,清晰度是一般顯微鏡的四倍高,足以讓科學家看到樹突棘(dendritic spines)的實際運動,這可能有助於研究人員理解它們的運動機制。研究人員很可能將發現新型顯微鏡許多不同的用途。其中一個突出的領域,幾乎肯定會涉及到作用於突觸內的精神治療藥物,可能將能夠使更好地針對特定疾病的藥品的研究獲得突破。然而,任何新的科學突破的一個缺點是,許多自然趨勢都受激勵的推動,不知道接下來會發生什麼。在這種情況下,赫爾和他的團隊已經開始考慮進一步的研究方法,使研究人員能夠在這種高分辨率的圖像中研究任何活腦細胞,而不只是表面上的腦細胞。











