2012年8月27日 星期一

気紛れに向きを変える鞭毛虫 ; Capricious behavior of a flagellate

Japanese commentary is followed by English commentary


----- 月井雄二先生(法政大)のコメント -----
この鞭毛虫の属名はアニソネマ Anisonema です。
Anisonema acinus という種以外は文献に名前が見当たりません。
この動画に出てくるのは Anisonema acinus としてはやや大型のように見えます。

This flagellate has two flagella of different lengths at the front. The shorter flagellum vibrates intensively and the longer one curves around the side and extends far behind the body. The flagellate is moving in a straight line when it suddenly reverses direction by contracting and expanding the longer flagellum. The flagellate repeats this characteristic behavior many times.

----- Commentary by Prof. Yuji Tsukii, Hosei University -----
This flagellate belongs to genus Anisonema.
Most scientific research papers focus on Anisonema acinus. But in fact various types of Anisonema can be found in open field environments. The organism appearing in this video looks larger than Anisonema acinus.

